Students from Belmont East pose for picture in front of NYC skyline if I Heart NYC shirts


Belmont USA

Featured Programs

New York City Skyline

Belmont East: NYC

Connect with the amazing culture that is life in New York City while interning and taking classes full-time for a fall or spring semester through our signature Belmont East internship program. Opportunities for students in most majors.

Palm tree lined street in Los Angeles

Belmont West: LA

Connect with the amazing culture that is life in Los Angeles while interning and taking classes full-time for a fall or spring semester through our signature Belmont West internship program. Opportunities for students in most majors.

Atlanta Skyline

Belmont ATL: Atlanta

Renowned for its world-famous hip-hop culture and historical significance in the Civil Rights movement, connect with all that is life in Atlanta while interning and taking classes full-time for a fall or spring semester through our Belmont ATL internship program. Opportunities for students in most majors.

Belmont USA students pose in front of the podium at the Pentagon in Washington

Belmont USA in Washington D.C.

Washington D.C. is home to organizations doing work that affects the nation and the world. Spend a fall, spring or summer semester making an impact by interning and taking relevant courses through Belmont USA's program at the Washington Internship Institute. Opportunities for students in all majors.

Belmont USA student poses with her arms out while facing the city of Hollywood on a hill

Belmont USA in Hollywood

Students in the Motion Pictures and Movie and Television Writing programs spend the summer in Hollywood interning in the motion pictures industry while engaging with the expertise of renowned producers, directors, screenwriters, cinematographers and agents.

Belmont USA student sits against a large Red wood tree with her arms out and head looking up to the sky

Belmont USA in Oregon

Study a variety of topics during a fall semester in an intentional community setting while immersing yourself in a wilderness experience in the mountains of southern Oregon. Opportunities for students in most majors. Explore this unique immersion experience offered through the Oregon Extension Program.