Belmont students at King's College

Honors Semester Abroad

Belmont Global Honors

Living and Learning Community Abroad

In the spring semester of the second year, Belmont Global Honors students study abroad in cohorts at one of Belmont's partner institutions throughout the world. Having this experience early on in your undergraduate career allows you to develop strong communal bonds with one another around a common international experience. 

with a cohort of 20-25 fellow Belmont Global students to one of our partner institutions around the world. 

What You Will Study

You will take 12-16 hours of coursework while abroad, depending upon your major. 

  • You will enroll in one Belmont course  (3 hours) during the semester abroad: Honors Study Abroad Writing Workshop (3 hours).
  • You will also enroll in 2 to 4 other courses (9 to 12 hours) offered by the partner institution, which will vary in credit hours and also your academic need. Ideally, these courses are a mix of courses meeting core requirements and major requirements.

Funding of Study Abroad Semester

As a Belmont Global Honors student, your study abroad experience will never cost more than what you would pay to study and live on Belmont’s campus for a semester. Expenses for the study abroad semester are billed by Belmont, not the international partner school, so whatever financial aid you receive will still be applied toward the cost of studying abroad.